St. Joseph's University

Benzoxaborole Protecting Groups for the Agri Industry

Fortune Business Insights reports that the global fungicide market size was valued at $17.1 billion in 2020 and is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 4.93% to $25.81 billion by 2028.  With the expansion of the global fungicide market, which includes manufacturing benzoxaboroles in large quantities, Dr. Tomsho’s protecting group […]

LICENSED: Tandem Cytotoxic Drug Delivery & p53-Status-Independent Apoptosis Promotion

Targeted and long-lasting formulations of chemotherapeutics with low doses and few side effects. Simple formulations to delivery two or more therapeutics to cancers with similar pharmacokinetic profiles. Easier to manufacture than nano / micro particles. Good to use in combination with immune checkpoint inhibitors. Clinical Applications To sensitize the responses of cancers to chemotherapeutics. rHSA-p53 […]

3D Printed Bandages

Burns are a major cause of serious soft tissue injury in the United States and around the world. Despite improvements in burn and bandage technology, burns remain a significant cause of hospitalization and death worldwide. In 2015, fire and heat resulted in 67 million injuries resulting about 2.9 million hospitalizations and 176,000 deaths worldwide[1]. The […]

Fabrication of Gold Nanoparticles Using Cultured Plant Cells

A growing worldwide demand for gold nanoparticles in the glass technology, pharmaceuticals, photometry, and electronics industries, is driving the need for a sustainable, eco-friendly, and commercially practical method for fabricating gold nanoparticles exponentially. The investigators have developed a novel method to manufacture gold nanoparticles by using suspended plant cells in culture. In addition, they have […]

Novel Biocompatible Hybrid Molecular Brush with Improved Adhesion to Fibroblasts for Wound Healing / Drug Delivery

Hybrid molecular brushes (HMBs) are polymeric constructs comprising a backbone and ide chains of two or more polymers with varying properties. The overall molecular structure of HMBs is governed by steric repulsion among the side chains, and their grafting density on the backbone. HMBs with hydrophilic and hydrophobic fragments have recently come to the forefront, […]